Training Videos

Below you will find an archive of past training videos.  Some videos are also linked on other pages.  
If you are having a hard time finding a specific video feel free to email us.

Fall 2024 Videos

End of Term Checklist 12-4-2024

Start of Term + Fraud 11-21-2024

Start of Term + Fraud

Regular and Subtantive Interaction (RSI) with Tara Carter  (slides)

Accessibility Tools for Canvas and Google Docs 10/22/24

Respondus 9/6/24

Zoom Refresher 9/5/24

New Canvas Discussion Tool- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

AI Tools for Daily Tasks and Slide Deck in Training

AI Tools for the Classroom and Slide Deck in Training



Past Video Recordings

Spring 2024 Video

Gradebook Check UP

Respondus (Removing Proctorio)

Zoom Update 6.0

Course Roll over and Commons

Google Slides Spotlight Speaker

Mastery Path in Canvas (Canvas' Guide to Mastery Paths)


Turnitin Demo 3/13 (Testing AI with Turnitin Self-enrollment  and CCLC Community College League of California workshops)

Canvas Cape (Chrome Extension for Cape)

SnagIt 2024

VRC Refresher and QA + new UI

Zoom Clips and Other Updates (User Guides)

So You Want to Record Your Lecture? (slides)

How to Create A/V Feedback for Students

Gradebook Features

Start of Term Checklist SP24 1/19


Using Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor to Proctor Quizzes and Exams 1/18

Below is a video showing students how to download the Respondus app to install.  As a reminder, students may add the Respondus app to their laptops, desktops, Chromebooks, and iPads (if you let them use iPads for your assessments).  They are not able to install the app on other tablets or phones at this time.

If you want to embed the video above into a Canvas Page, then use the code below:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

If you want to link the video, it is 


Fall 2023 Training

End of Term Checklist FA2023 12/7

PopeTech - all Course accessibility Checker 11/17

FRC Start of term checklist - Roll over and prep for SP24 11/16

SnagIt 2024 11/6

Turnitin 10/27

10 tips for mobile friendly classes 10/26

Using AI to create Alt Text for complex images 10/20

Online Proctoring using Respondus (replacing Proctorio) 10/19

Grackle (Document Accessibility)- 10/6

What's new in Canvas? 9/29

Creating Closed Captions with Premiere Pro - 9/28

Step-by-step Directions 

Annotation Worksheets in Canvas for Students

Canvas Student Guide on How do I annotate a file as an assignment submission in Canvas?
Self-enroll in a Canvas course to try out the annotation tool as a student.
One more solution Esther Clark spoke about in video.

PlayPosit 9/7 (Step-by-Step Directions)

SnagIt Fall 2023

FA23 Kickoff Hyflex Session 8/25
Google slides for hyflex session

Spring 2023 Training

Sign up for all sessions in the Vision Resource Center (zoom link for each session is in the "session details" in the VRC)

Grade/SLO Drop in sessions (no sign up)
Thursday May 18th 2pm-4pm
Monday May 22nd 9am-11am
Monday May 22nd 2pm-4pm

POCR Drop in sessions (no sign up)
Wed May 10th 2pm-4pm
Friday May 12th 2pm-4pm
Wed May 17th 2pm-4pm
After attending or watching the POCR informational session (below), drop in at the above times using this zoom link to ask questions about the rubric, alignment, or getting started in our self paces POCR training course.

POCR Informational Session - 5/5 2pm-3:30pm
In this session we will go over the steps for aligning your course to the POCR rubric from the California Virtual Campus (CVC).  Alignment results in your course being "badge" in the state course exchange.  This makes it easier for non-SBCC students to find and enroll in your course(s).  Come join us in learning more about this process.

Canvas Import from Commons - 4/28

SnagIt 2023 - 4/27

TurnitIn AI Score Update - 4/20

Zoom, Loom, and SnagIt-The Comparison - 3/24

(View in VRC for Flex)

Intro to HyFlex Teaching - 3/16

Grackle- Accessible Google Docs - 3/10


Checking for ChatGPT - 3/3


Adobe Express Demo - 3/1

TurnItin- 2/23


Perusall Presentation Demo - 2/16


Canva Presentation Demo - 1/27


Fall 2022 Training

Sign up for all sessions in the Vision Resource Center (zoom link for each session is in the "session details" in the VRC)

Start of Term Checklist- 12/15

End of Term Checklist- 12/14

Wrapping Up Your Gradebook- 12/8

SnagIt 2023- 11/17

Equitize Your Syllabus- 11/10

How to share your course safely using Canvas Commons- 11/4

Canvas Import and Settings- 11/3

New Gmail Layout and Features- 10/27

Loom Training- 10/07

PlayPosit- Track Video Lectures  9/30

SnagIt 2022  9/27

Playposit and Creative Presentations  9/23

Respondus Demo and QA 9/14

New Quizzes 9/9 

Zoom Refresher 9/8 

Zoom 2022 training ( (full playlist)

Playposit - Turn a youtube video into an assignment  6:15-25:00
Playposit can be used to track if students are watching a video by turning the video into an assignment.  You can also add quiz questions to the video that students need to answer to continue the video.   Handout Version
Using Playposit to support a flipped classroom (article)


Spring 2022 Video Recordings 

Wrapping up Your Gradebook 5/6/22

End of Term Checklist 5/5/22

What's New in Canvas and Zoom 4/26/2022

Google Drive and Shared Drive

Taming Campus Gmail InBox InService SP2022

PlayPosit Inservice SP2022

Adobe Sign Single Signature

Adobe Sign Multiple Signatures

ALI Master Slides Dec 2021


Canvas Commons: Share Your Canvas Assignments, Pages, and Modules

SnagIt Screen Recording (and Annotated Screen Shots)

What's New in Canvas Spring 2022



Fall 2021 Video Recordings 

Sign up for all sessions at (zoom link for each session is in the details in flex)

ALI Master Slides Dec 2021

12/03/2021 Canvas Spring Prep

12/02/2021 Grade Book End of Semester

12/01/2021 End of Term Checklist


11/08/2021 Zoom Live Transcription


10/29/2021 Canvas New Quizzes

10/15/2021 PlayPosit Tracking Student Video Views

PlayPosit Steps to Creation

9/15/2021 Oh Captions, my Captions.
Using Adobe Premiere to create "better" captions simply and automatically for use in your youtube videos. This technique is new, and generates captions that include punctuation and capital letters , which in turn increases the accessibility of our videos.

Handout Version (with screenshots)

9/03/2021  Zoom to Youtube to Canvas

8/27/2021  Canvas Group Discussions

8/19/2021  What's new in Canvas? - Fall 21 Inservice - notes/handout

8/19/2021  Video Based Discussions using Flipgrid - Fall 21 Inservice - slideshow

Flipgrid Troubleshooting guide


4/30/2021 Video Based Discussions using Flipgrid
  Flipgrid Notes
  Link to Video

4/28/2021 End of Tem Checklist
  Link to Video

2/25/2021 Using SnagIt for Screen Capture
     Link to Video

2/24/2021 Student Resource Finder (Guided Pathways)
    Link to Video

2/23/2021 Two Factor Authentication (2FA) Setup 
     2FA instructions (Google Doc)
     Google Authenticator app for iPhone or Android
     Link to Video (20min)

2/5/2021- Inservice Videos SP21 Creative Assessments that Engage Online Learners 

Adobe Spark (40min) Rob

Canva (30min) Karen

Padlet (20min) Tara

Rush Video (30 min) Stephanie and Jeff

Google Presentation with all links

1/23/2021 - Canvas Basics Refresher


1/15/2021 - New Zoom tool in Canvas